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Benefits of being Out & About with Brennans Pharmacy

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Spring is halfway through, and if ever there was a time for getting out and about in the fresh air, and for building physical health and fitness, it is now. Physical activity, especially outdoors, has the potential to transform your life. Exercise benefits both your physical and mental wellbeing. It causes the brain to release chemicals called endorphins, which have a beneficial effect on your emotions and physique.

It does not require drastic modifications. Begin small. Simply keep moving, regardless of your age or abilities. You will feel better, have more energy, and possibly live longer as a result. Check out some of the benefits from being out and about:

Vitamin D

Between late March and late September, the majority of people should be able to obtain all of their vitamin D requirements through sunlight. Vitamin D is produced by the body when exposed to direct sunshine on the skin. However, from October and early March, we do not receive enough vitamin D from sunlight.

Brennans Pharmacy is here to help, with Vitamin D supplementation and advice should you need them. Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption and protects bone, muscle and heart function, and it is particularly important for older people who might be in danger of developing osteoporosis.

Mental Health

Maintaining an active lifestyle benefits both your physical and mental health. Regular exercise will aid in sleep, relaxation, and overall well-being. Exercise leads to reducing stress and increases energy levels. Additionally, it can be a beneficial opportunity to meet new people and become more involved in your community. Physical activity has the potential to alter the chemical composition of the brain. These modifications contribute to an improvement in your mood. Exercise is particularly beneficial for persons who suffer from low moods. If you require more information in this area get in touch with one of our team members where we can lead you in the right direction.

The benefits

Sufficient physical activity has many mental and physical health benefits. According to the HSE, by remaining active, you can lower your risk of developing up to 35 chronic diseases that include: cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke osteoporosis and depression. Developing a fitness habit can also help with other issues, such as bone health, breathing difficulties, high blood pressure and physiological and social issues. Physical activity can reduce your risk of having a chronic disease by up to 50% and your risk of dying prematurely by 20% to 30%.

Spring is here

Relax, and enjoy the green of the opening leaves and the colours of the young spring flowers. Take a little time for yourself, and for nature. Remind yourself that this walk in the countryside or the local park is releasing endorphins and helping you to maintain a healthy weight.

Put on your comfortable walking shoes and, yes, perhaps you had better take the umbrella just in case. Take time to appreciate being active outdoors!

If you would like more advice on how you could be more active outdoors, have a chat with one of our team members today:https://brennanspharmacy.com/contact/

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Abigail Doherty | Buncrana | Brennans Pharmacy
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